Friday 27 July 2012

Surrendering to the gravity and the unknown

So begins a new phase in my life. I've spent a lot of the last week inside my own head, and as much as I've written lately, it's only been a small glimpse.

I did not realise it until it was pointed out by someone I deeply cared about, but things in my life have been getting worse, my head has been getting worse. I just wish I'd paid attention sooner.

I thought I was just... beyond help, but I didn't ever really try. I was too scared to get real help. Too scared to fail, and succeed. Normally, I'd bitch about it for a few days and then not do anything. But I've already started with the help of that same someone. Now it's up to me to continue.

I do not have an easy road ahead of me. I feel alone, even though I'm surrounded by people who love me. Like I said before, I don't really know where I'm going, but I'm going there. I'm absolutely terrified, but it's time for me to do something for myself, to improve myself.

With a new phase, comes a new blog title. Like the old one, it comes from a song. Unlike the old one, however, this comes from a place of positivity, a desire to help yourself, but most of all... recovery.

I choose to live.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post gorgeous
    So in love with your new colour scheme and blog title

    I will always be here for you
